The Meltdown

Sometimes children lose it, and need to be disciplined. It happens. It’s part of life. An exasperated parent giving their child a loving reminder on the rear end is not abuse. If you disagree, then parent your child differently. And mind your own business.

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Andrea Horwath: Hypocrite

Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath criticized provincial CEO’s for “nickel and diming” taxpayers, expensing “coffee and muffins” as well as “trips all over the world”, while expensing exactly the same thing: coffee and muffins.

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My Revenge

By forgiving someone, we release ourselves of their control over us. We regain the power we once had over our own lives. Forgiveness is not about the other. It is about the self. It does not excuse, condone, or provide restitution. It does not justify, it does not enable. It does not sanction, nor does it approve. Forgiveness is perfectly selfish. Forgiveness is cold. That is why it is the best dish to serve.

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The Time of the Doctor – Episode Review

This entry started out as a comment on Michael Ray Johnson’s blog, Of Dice and Pen, however proved to be too long for the comment form to accept, so I decided to post it here. This episode struck me as an “epilogue” to Matt Smith’s storyline, and just as with the last few episodes of…

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