Non-service Stations

I drive a company vehicle. When I need to fill the tank or get an oil change, I have a fleet card which I use to pay the bill. This is not an uncommon occurrence, and most businesses are more than happy to accept payment. Not, it would seem, for the Shell “Service” Station on…

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This is Canada

The other day, as I am prone to do, I was involved in a Twitter debate with a Torontonian over something to do with politics. Torontonians are an interesting breed. Yes. I said “breed.” It might have something to do with the water they drink (given it’s from Lake Ontario, it doesn’t surprise me) but…

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Wrong on multiple levels.

Update (July 28, 2014) – I’ve had to replace the original video because the makers had their account terminated by Youtube.  So here’s Ellen DeGeneres’ take on the Shake Weight: [youtube=] Then there’s the Shake Weight for Men: [youtube=] And then there’s the incredible Kayley Cuoco with one… [youtube=]

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Strong Leadership from the PMO

I have spent a lot of time in discussions with an interesting and cordial Liberal Party supporter (possibly also a member but I’m not sure as I never asked her.) These chats happen over on Twitter, where she goes by the username @libartsandminds. Obviously, when dealing with incorrect ideology, we don’t agree on much, and…

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